Noise Induced Hearing Loss
Exposure to noise in the workplace can have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life. It can cause a range of health issues that include decreased self esteem, confidence and depression. This sounds pretty dramatic but it is real and if anything understated.
Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) can impact an individual’s ability to have a comfortable and easy conversation. This effect is particularly noticeable when there is background noise as the soft sounds in words begin to disappear/blend in with the background noise – and our world is full of constant background noise of one sort or another. Conversation for most people provides the capacity to interact with others in meaningful and enjoyable ways. It is fundamental to our ability to achieve and have healthy and enjoyable relationships!
WHS Regs – Audiometric Testing & Surveillance Requirements in WA
The 2020 WHS Regs in relation to noise, utilises the Australian Standard AS1269.4 to help employers ensure their workers’ hearing is being protected though the requirement of an Audiometric Health Surveillance program.
In summary the aim of the 2020 WHS Act and subsequent 2022 WHS Regulations, is to ensure that employers are providing suitable risk management processes to minimise the risk of Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) for their workers.
Requirements of employers in WA
The main risk management process required by this new legislation is for employers in WA to provide audiometric tests for noise exposed employees:
- within 3 months of starting and
- at least every 2 years.
This allows for comparison of results to identify any workers who may have a significant change to their hearing ability.
Who can conduct these audiometric tests in WA?
The audiometric test may be conducted by a suitably trained assessor (an Audiologist, Audiometric Officer or Audiometrist) on specifically calibrated test equipment in a suitable test environment.
Work Health Professionals (WHP) meets these important audiometric testing requirements and have over 22 years of experience conducting onsite assesments. Find out when and how our mobile facilities can come to your worksite.